From the moment I met Meg, as a fellow member of The Wedding Business Club @fayecornhill… I was like a child in a sweet shop! Her brief was honestly the most exciting collection of words ~ geeky, cosmic, out of this world, northern, celestial, bright… and the combination on the brand mood board we created in the first few weeks was simply divine. Everything I strive for in a project where your personality shines.
Over the next 6 months we worked together to create a seriously eye catching brand & identity that screams ‘Meg’, a new set of logos, a bespoke background illustration, colour palette, web and brand icons, a Wix Website, and templates for her ceremony scripts & date nights.
MEG ~ it’s been an absolute pleasure, a blast, an emotional rollercoaster (I think we’ve shared a few tears & laughs along the way!) but in all honesty you were a dream, full of energy, excited & on point with your feedback, so thank YOU for sharing this journey with me. Huge Congratulations on your launch & the journey ahead.
Words from those who matter...
Oh my gosh Freya. Thank you ever so much for EVERYTHING. What a project it’s been! And I adore the end result 🚀 Let’s flipping do this. 3, 2, 1, BLAST OFF!! x
Meg Senior, Humanist Celebrant